(502) 896-8882

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us at 896-8882 or by clicking on a name to send an email:

Ministry Staff
Support Staff
Greg Barr

Senior Pastor

Ext. 114

John Shapanus


Ext. 104

Tim Galyon
Minister of Music
Ext. 109
Steve Kirkland
Technical Director
John Weber
Minister with Students
Ext. 110
Don Goodman
Facility Manager
Ext. 134
David Garrard
Minister to Children
Ext. 107
Susan Boyer
Administrative Assistant
Ext. 103
Dr. Joyce Oliver
Minister to Preschoolers
Ext. 106
Charlotte Hibbs
Administrative Assistant
Ext. 113
 Emily Mize Thompson
Administrative Assistant
Ext. 102
 Worship Arts Staff
Dr. Doug Smith
Churchestra Director
Kay Rowe