Welcome to the St. Matthews Baptist Church Youth Ministry! The Youth Ministry here at St. Matthews is for students in 7th thru 12th grade however our ministry is not simply for the student but also for each family that is represented. We are an active group that stays busy both with our own activities as well as being a part of our larger church family. Follow the links provided to learn more about who weExit Visual Builder are and what we do.
If you are looking for us in the building, come all the way up to the third floor and you will find the youth center full of students, caring adults, and a comfortable place to experience God together.
Whether you are already a part of our wild and wacky youth group family or you are looking for a place to belong, we hope you will find what you’re looking for here on our website. If you are looking for something and cannot find it, please give us a call in the church office and we will offer our assistance.

Sunday Morning
9:15 Community Time (in the Youth Center)
9:20 Age-graded Bible Study
10:30 Worship (in the Sanctuary)
Wednesday Night Activities
5:15 Family Supper (in the Fellowship Hall)
6:30 Mid-Week Youth Gathering (in the Youth Center)
7:45 Youth Praise Team Practice (1st and 3rd Wednesdays)