The Grand Viewers ministry is geared for those adults who are at a place in life where they now have a “Grand View.” Monthly programming may include lunch and a program at church, a day trip, or an extended bus trip. For more information about specific events, please call the church office.
Women’s Ministries mission is to bring women of all ages together in Christ as we grow, serve, and encourage one another. We offer many opportunities for Bible study, mission activities, and fellowship throughout the year including Summer Potluck Supper, Ladies’ Night Out events, Light Night storytelling evenings, weekend retreats, and more. Please contact Chelsea Weber at if you would like to be on the Women’s Ministry email list. And, here are a couple of our other ministries:
- Threads of Grace is a sewing ministry which converts gently used men’s shirts into precious little dresses. Hundreds of dresses have been sent to children in Haiti, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Brazil.
- Inspiring Women College Gift Fund – Since 2002, approximately 130 young women from St. Matthews Baptist Church have received a one-time monetary gift during their first year of college or continuing education. Originally known as the Elizabeth Baxter College Gift Fund, the name was changed in 2016 to encompass the many women who have and continue to inspire. This fund is totally supported by donations given in honor, memory, or celebration of an inspiring woman.
Branching Out Singles Ministry
The Branching Out Singles Ministry is for singles of all ages. We meet on each Thursday evening of the month for fun and faith-building and community. Our schedule follows the following weekly format each Thursday at 6:30 PM, generally meeting in The Great Room on the 3rd Floor of Building B.
- 1st Thursday: Games
- 2nd Thursday: Bible Study
- 3rd Thursday: Dinner
- 4th Thursday: Service Project
Contact Stephanie Bell or the Church Office at 502.896.8882 to get more information or to sign up for updates.
Wayne Oates Media Center
The Wayne E. Oates Media Center, established in 1949, is an important educational ministry of SMBC. Its purpose is to be a dynamic resource provider of information, materials and services to implement the present and planned mission of SMBC. The Media Center has approximately 6,000 books and is open whenever the church is open and staffed on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. – 10:40 a.m. and Wednesdays from 5:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
HUGG Ministry
The HUGG Ministry is a pastoral care ministry of St. Matthews Baptist Church. The HUGG Ministry began in 1983 as a way of caring for those in our congregation who are less mobile and therefore unable to attend church services regularly. This is the kind of ministry which is often called “homebound ministry”; we prefer to designate persons who are physically limited as “HUGG Friends.”
Volunteers who provide care and companionship to HUGG Friends are called HUGGERS. Most HUGGERS have the spiritual gifts of mercy, service, hospitality or exhortation. Any member of SMBC is invited to be a HUGGER.