(502) 896-8882


Discipleship happens intentionally. St. Matthews Baptist Church offers a myriad of opportunities for people of all ages to grow in their faith through learning and becoming more like Jesus. Following are lots of ways we can grow as individuals and as a community of faith.


Sunday Morning Bible Study Groups

Sunday Morning Bible Study groups begin at 9:15 a.m. We have 16 adult classes. Some are gender or age specific. All are designed to help one grow in Bible knowledge while also growing in friendship and faith with one another. Click here to find which group you would like to attend.  **DOWNLOAD CLASS LIST**



Men’s Bible Study: Men gather for Bible study, friendship, and prayer each Tuesday morning for one hour at 10:00 AM in the Gathering Room (Entrance A).



MomLife: A community of local moms in all ages and stages of life that seeks to connect with one another for Gospel-centered teaching and encouragement. Meeting September – May from 6:30 – 7:30 PM in the Gathering Room.

Women Connect: A conversational gathering of women for encouragement and support. The are studying about “Praying the Names of God” from 6:30 – 7:30 PM in Room 221

Choir: Meets about 3 times a month to sing together in rehearsal and praise as they prepare for upcoming worship services. They meet from 6:30 – 7:30 PM in the Choir Room.

Pickleball: Gather with this fun group to exercise by playing pickleball most Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the Gym. 

PM Wednesdays – Prayer and Missions on Wednesdays: Through the academic year of 2024-2025, SMBC is engaged in an in-depth study of Missions. We will have many opportunities to engage through: Learning, Praying, Giving, and Doing Missions. You are invited to engage with a small group each Wednesday evening from September 2024- May 2025 as we explore ways that we as Christians can love our neighbors near and far! We gather each Wednesday in the Chapel. 



Men’s Pizza & Prayer Lunch: Men are invited to gather each Thursday at 11:00 AM for pizza lunch. Meeting weekly in the Grandview Room. Men eat together and then share and pray together concluding at 12:15 PM. 


Spiritual Disciplines

St. Matthews Baptist Church engaged in a Spiritual Discipline emphasis from September 2023 – May 2024.  Each month we focused on one or more of the Spiritual Disciplines.  Opportunities were provided for everyone to learn about the disciplines and engage in ways to help us grow in each of the disciplines.  The Spiritual Discipline emphasis permeated our Sundays during worship.  Check out the “Service Online” component on this website to listen and learn about the various disciplines during that time.  Helpful ways to incorporate each discipline in one’s life were emailed each week.  We engaged in a Wednesday small group that focused, as well, on the disciplines.  Many of those recordings are accessible at this link:  https://smbclouisville.org/spiritual-disciplines-wednesday-nights/  Our prayer for you is that these recordings (of sermons and small groups) will help you to grow in your faith even now.