(502) 896-8882

How do I give?

Online with debit or credit cards

For your convenience, you can now give to St Matthews Baptist Church safely and securely online.

Give Now

Envelopes with checks or cash

Offering envelopes are available in the pews during our worship services. If you would like a personalized set of envelopes mailed directly to you each month, which allows for easier tracking of your tax-deductible gifts, please contact Charlotte Hibbs in the church office.

Bank Bill Pay

You can create a one-time or recurring bill payment to generate a check that will be mailed to St Matthews Baptist Church.


We are also able to accept gifts of appreciated investment securities. For more information, please contact Charlotte Hibbs in the church office.

Legacy Gifts

To go above and beyond your regular giving, with a gift that will have a lasting impact, please consider a Legacy Gift.

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