(502) 896-8882

The Wayne Oates Media Center

The Wayne E. Oates Media Center, established in 1949, is an important educational ministry of St. Matthews Baptist Church. Its purpose is to be a dynamic resource provider for information, materials and services to implement the present and planned mission of St. Matthews Baptist Church. The Media Center has approximately 5,000 volumes of information and contains the historical archives for SMBC. The Center is open year-round on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings during the school year.

Books • Church historical archives • Religious periodicals


Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is offered occasionally. If interested in a class, call the church office.

Health Ministry

Events which raise health awareness are held for the SMBC community. There are service opportunities for medical professionals in the SMBC community and mission trips to both eastern Kentucky and international. For more information, contact Brian Johnson in the church office.

Employment Network

A list of known job opportunities is kept by the Minister of Adults. If you know of opportunities or are in need of employment, contact the church office.