- This Sunday is a first Sunday which means that it is time for breakfast! 11th and 12th graders are asked to bring breakfast items to share with the group on Sunday.
- The Youth Lock-in is coming up soon! Friday, September 13, we will party from 7:00 p.m. until the next morning at 7:00 a.m. There is no cost but I need to know who plans to come so that I can get things ready so PLEASE sign up! Friends are welcome to come as well.
- We NEED adults for the lock-in! I know staying up all night (or part of the night) is not on the top of your bucket list but we need your help to do it! If you can’t stay all night, then join us for a portion of it. Are you an early riser anyway? Come help us get breakfast ready in the morning before we send the kids home. Let me know if you can help at any time through the night so I can make sure we are adequately covered.
- Summer 2020 is a LONG way away but signing up for the 2020 international mission trip has begun. The dates are June 20-27 and the cost is $1,400 (before fundraisers). There are 3 steps to getting signed up for this trip. Step 1 – Let me know you plan to go. Step 2 – Turn in an application (you will get to go but I want you to think about why you’re going). Step 3 – Turn in your $100 deposit. If you are anxious or unsure about if your student will be ok on this trip, please talk to me. It will be a great experience for all. We have 32 plane tickets reserved. The first 32 who take care of these 3 steps will be guaranteed a spot. You do need a Passport book for this trip.
Wednesday Night
We had a great kickoff to our year last week! It was great to see some faces that I hadn’t seen in a while. This week we will introduce the year’s theme of “Encounters with God” so make sure you join us for our time together! We do need a couple more small group leaders so if you or someone you know would be interested, please let me know.