Just a reminder that March 20 is Celebration Sunday for our REIMAGINE emphasis! We give thanks to God for all the ways God has blessed our church, and has been faithful in leading us to take steps toward the future.
We will also be announcing what we as a church family have committed, above and beyond our regular giving, for the next three years. This will certainly be cause for celebration!
If you have not yet turned in a Commitment Card, we need to hear from you soon. Every commitment matters! Please bring it with you Sunday morning and drop it in the box marked “REIMAGINE” in the Sanctuary Lobby.
Our hope is that every member and regular attender of SMBC will decide to be part of this effort. When we come together as a family, under God’s leadership, nothing is impossible!
Please keep praying, “Lord, what do you want to do through me to carry out Your will for our church?” We’ll see you Sunday!
Pastor Greg